Sunday, February 15, 2009

What did you think?

Did you see the pink?
I couldn't take it another day.
I've always been that way...
I was a tomboy as a child
And was never wild
About anything frilly
Or silly
Or dressy
Or princessy
Or little dolly
Or Pepto Bismolly
Or anything that might link
Me to anything remotely prissy, sissy or kissy-kissy like the dreaded, regretted girly shades of

(Unless it's on roses or St. Valentine's Day cards, of course!)


  1. Your poem made me smile! I really like the new banner picture - btw!

  2. I'd have given anything to wear pink. Mother made all my clothes and because of my auburn hair pink was not an "appropriate color to wear." I survived without ever owning anything pink. Perhaps that's why my favorite colors are green and blue. Very cute poem! And I too like your new banner pic. :) Cathy

  3. I saw the pink and was very disappointed when it was gone. Loved it with your header picture - it brought out pink in the glistening snow. Ahhhh, so pretty!
    I'm glad I got to see it that one, brief visit. ;)

  4. Ha ha! This made me laugh - people seem to have rather extreme reactions to pink

  5. guess I missed it. I'm not too sad actually. although grey is a bit...well, grey.

    I'm a purple girl meself.

    poipuullll. :-)


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