Sunday, February 8, 2009

Some Excitement Here This Morning!

Bella had her puppies! Six chubby, white little yowlers early this morning. I'll try my durndest to get my camera downloaded and take some pictures. (Thanks for the pointers, MM; we're going to try your suggestions later this afternoon!)

*Update: We came home from Mass and found what Cathy called a "pile o' puppies" ~ She has eight now!


  1. OH, happy day! Enjoy! Best of days to you! Cathy

  2. Are you now going to have to think of names for all of them?

  3. LOL! Bia, I can't imagine! We already have a name for the one boy we already know we'll keep. I don't know if you remember, but when we got Bella, we had the original intention of getting a boy and wanted to name him "Grigio" after Don Bosco's miracle dog. But, of course, we fell in love with Bella. So, now we'll have our Grigio. And the puppies do look like they've got to have Great Pyrennes in them ~ they're all big and beefy and have very chunky little necks. So Grigio looks like it's bound to be a fitting name for one of them.

    Cathy ~ Thank-you! It's been quite a day!

  4. Oh what fun! I remember our little border collie decided to have her pups on my parents bed. My mom was so mad, but there was nothing to be done at that point. I can't wait to see the pictures.

  5. How fun!!!! I can't wait to see some pictures!

  6. WATCH OUT!! you have 8 kids at home (if I remember right) and 8 puppies! you know each kid is gonna fall in love with a pup!!

    bwahahah....mine evil chuckle


    they're sweet to watch with the momma....for the first 6 weeks anyway.

  7. Hello Lisa! Thank you very much for your comment and your kind words. Your comment is the first for me and was very exciting! It would be great if you would do another post in response to my question. Any way you would feel most comfortable answering would be fine by me. Congratulations on your new soon to be daughter in law. My mother in law is awesome and a blessing as I am sure you will be to her! God Bless, Michelle


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