Sunday, February 22, 2009

Simple Woman Monday, February 23rd

Outside My Window ... there's a starling picking around in the branches of the old cottonwood that hangs over our front patio. It's a partly cloudy day and looks like it'll be chilly, but not cold. It's been unseasonably warm this month, but everything is still grey and tan. The green can't start coming soon enough to suit me! I'm waiting to catch the first glimpse of the meadowlarks perched on the fenceposts. Their song is the first herald of spring here on the high prairie.

I am hearing... No meadowlarks yet, but I can hear early-bird-William explaining to Theresa that he wants banana milk and honey Cheerios for breakfast.
I am reading... Nothing at the moment, but have a line-up ready for Lent. I just ordered a book our visiting priest recommended in the sermon yesterday, called Humility of Heart and am anxious for it to arrive! But, I also have some light reading in my book pile. I haven't read any Father Brown stories for a while, so I'm going to indulge in some Chesterton, and I was recommended a book called The Endless Knot, a Catholic mystery by W.L. Biersach, that I'm excited to dip into.
I am wearing... long, straight denim skirt with cargo pockets, white turtleneck, blue sweater.
I am hoping... we can sell our house for the price we need to buy the property we've been calling "hilltop farm." We only have a million things to do before we can plant that for sale sign ~ and the real estate market is in the pits, especially out here in the rural areas, but we're starting a novena to St. Philomena, and if she can't get a sale for us, nobody can!
From the Learning Rooms... Because we see so many of our favorite old actors in movies set during the forties, we've been enjoying a look lately into World War II, following a rabbit trail through Churchill's office in London to Guadal Canal and Nazi Germany. Truly fascinating stuff. And a wealth of movies to get to watch to enrich our learning! We really enjoyed watching The 1940s House, a PBS documentary about an English family that lived several months in a re-created wartime lifestyle. And we loved Mrs. Miniver (Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon were so good in this movie, but I like to watch it just to get to see the beautiful house their characters live in...). I've got John Wayne, Cary Grant, George C. Scott waiting in the wings to watch this week. I just love home schooling!
From the kitchen ...the lovely aroma of coffee is wafting into me here at the computer. Ahhh... I'm indulging these next two days in some of the things we're giving up for Lent. The kids have to eat up the rest of their St. Valentine's candy and we're going to have to 'choke down' (Ha!) that plate of cheesecake left over from my sistah, Nina's, birthday party Sunday (She'll be 29 on Ash Wednesday, we've decided. There she is, above, with her fan club).

I am creating... I finally finished my kitchen curtains! Here they are:

Now, I'm going to make a little cushion for this window, since it's the little boys' favorite spot to sit when I'm cooking.

I 'm thankful for... Coffee! And a few million other things...

Around the house... I tried a paint technique on the lower walls of our dining room, but I'm not happy with it. I was trying a faux effect using a sponge and a buffing tool, but I'm worried it turned out too orange and too "busy." I need to figure out how to tone it down or maybe I'll just paint over it in taupe. For selling the house, I'm concerned I may need to go more neutral and conservative. Bother. But, relatively speaking, paint is cheap. Here are a couple of pictures. What do you think?

(You can see in the pic below, we're replacing a bit of trim over the door and some cracked wallboard on the adjacent wall)Before we try to sell, we're also redoing our kitchen and bathroom floors and moving our laundry room. I hate the risk of putting a lot of money into these projects, but I figure that if the house doesn't sell, I'll have a nicer house to live in, anyway. And except for the money spent and the pain and heart-ache of all the work and then keeping everything clean for showings, it's a win-win, right? Right? (Actually, I think we must be crazy.)

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Painting to do, tile to pull out, plumbing to move, movies to watch, candy consuming until Fat Tuesday, fasting starting Ash Wednesday.
Here is a picture thought I 'm sharing:

Gabe and William checking out the fuzz on Kevin's recently shaved head...

"It's almost as soft as the puppies, Kevvy!"

For lots more Simple Women's Daybooks, run over and check in on Peggy!


  1. I have had Humility of Heart on the shelf and decided to add to my Lenten reading. I love the Stop & Eat sign! Where did you get it?

  2. I think the faux paint job you did looks great, but you are right, most buyers want neutral colors in the house. Good luck!

  3. Hey, Jenny! I'm pretty sure I got that sign at Hobby Lobby on one of their 50% off days. Isn't it perfect? (I love that kind of find!)

    Hi, Natalie! I've been thinking the same thing. As neutral as I can get it the better. I'm going to have to go to Home Depot and get a bunch of boring color samples.

  4. I think that book will be read by many this lent. We have it, and will certainly use it..Great curtains! Can I have just a smidge of your creative juices please? A pinkies worth will do!

  5. &:o) Thanks, Anne! You're so sweet! But, you should see me sewing; I know I'd be a total scandal to any real seamstress!

  6. Mrs. Miniver is one of my favorite movies. It is touching and tender. Wish i could sit down with you and watch it! Cathy

  7. Thanks for your entry this week. I really enjoyed reading it. I am digging your new curtains. Thanks for including the pics. They are gorgeous! Job well done.

  8. fabulous!!

    those curtains are AWESOME!!

    and I like the paint job too. if you like it LEAVE IT.

  9. Love the paint job! I think it looks great in the pictures!

  10. Hmmm. Never heard of that Humility of Heart. I'm going shopping! Maybe I'll read it next Lent . . . I have a few things already lined up as it is.

    Your home is lovely and you did a bang on job of those curtains!! I love the beads!!

  11. I love the paint job. I would leave it. I think people like a "custom" look and the color you chose is perfect, you can decorate in many different ways around it. Curtains are awesome.

  12. Thanks for the book links!
    Praying things work out for you with the house.
    Love the picture too. What handsome boys you have :0)

  13. Lisa,

    I feel as if I miss a post and I've missed so much going on in your life. :) You are one busy Mommy! And you know #1 I'll be praying for you as you guys embark on this next journey -- and #2 my ears are here for listening or bouncing ideas off of.

    I love the paint job -- that one wall right up against the stone looks awesome! After a few showings you'll know if "the masses" like it or not. Trust me. People don't hold back.

    One thing that annoyed me about the home-selling process was that we had a few agents tell us to take down our relgious items. Some things I just moved around to less obvious places, but I left it all out. This is who we are -- take it or leave it -- but I'm not putting my Infant Jesus in a box thank you very much! :)

    Love, love, love the kitchen curtains. You are super talented Lisa!


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