Thursday, February 5, 2009

A new little blog bobbing on the waves of the internet...

Our littler girls, under the supervision of ten-year-old Theresa, are working on a blog of their own called Notes from a little house on the prairie. To liven things up a bit, we've decided to incorporate daily posts into our writing practice time. The girls love to see their own work in print here on the computer and have the best time finding pictures to illustrate their posts on our computer library. They also hope to find like-minded children on the internet who might enjoy the interaction.

So, in that spirit, of course they'd love to have visitors! All their comments will be approved by Mom (moi), who's keeping a close eye to be sure an "invite only" blog wouldn't be better... But we're hopeful that this won't be necessary.

Today's post is about the feast of the day, St. Agatha, written by Theresa.

(Thanks to Sarah whose visit over there reminded us we had this little resource waiting in the wings! We started it in September and forgot all about it!)


  1. Mutha can you send me Grandma and Grandpa's email address please?

  2. Well, it all depends upon which of my little dear anonymouses you are... Why don't you call me on that archaic old device, the telephone, and ask me again, ya nut.

  3. Just left a comment on the new site. I hope Theresa enjoys it. =) It is like getting mail in the mailbox when someone leaves a comment. Just makes you feel special. =)

  4. oh now, come on! you mean you can't tell each of your TEN kids apart just by their .... typing??

    that was hilarious! thanks to the nut for the laugh.

    let me see here.

    Okay, I sent out a couple feelers to other homeschooler girls, in the pre-teen (mostly) group that have blogs of which I know. There's a HUGE network of them and they all know each other. If one or two show up you'll soon have an absolute gaggle of preteen and teen girl bloging homeschoolers at your fingertips.


    mine evil chuckle......

  5. I went over and left a couple of comments! What a sweet blog:)

  6. What a great idea. Max and Jessamine love to "play blog" but they have to figure out how to write first. :P


This is a Catholic blog designed for Catholic readers with the understanding that all commentary must be suitable for the Holy Family to read. Anything unedifying will be deleted.