Saturday, January 31, 2009


I'm on my way this morning to meet my two oldest sons, Paul and Kevin, and Paul's girl, Nicole up at Winter Park to spend the day. The boys will ski; we two girls will get to have some girl time. Woohoo! Thanks to my dear husband for staying home with the children so I can go! I'll take pictures, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to download them, as we're having a problem with our software, doggonit.

And Happy Feast Day of St. John Bosco! Another favorite saint! But, then, of course he is, because we're raising six boys. I wish I had time this morning to expound on why we love this incredible, saintly man and the Salesian method of teaching, but, alas, the mountains call!

My post from last year with some links (which I hope are still good), follows, though!
And here is a wonderful post I came across about St. John and his dreams.

We are huge fans of this saint!

Having started out with four boys, we learned early to rely on his heavenly assistance, and base our homeschooling and much of our parenting philosphy on his methods. Parents might be interested in this letter from St. John Bosco regarding the teaching of children. This great priest knew how to deal with children, but especially boys, let me tell you! We have had great success using him as a role model.Since tomorrow is his feastday, we've been reading aloud this version of the story of Don Bosco this week. The children especially love the ghost story with the Catholic explanation and love the stories of Grigio, his dog.

I'd like to send up our public thanks, again, to you, St. John Bosco, for all you help through the years, and our continuing petitions to remain by our side as a mentor in education, a counselor in our trials, and a guide to heaven! Dear St. John, pray for us!


  1. An amazing saint- thank you so much for this post!

  2. youknow, I learn more about the saints from your blog than anywhere else!


  3. I hope you have a wonderful time with Nicole and your sons.
    I always enjoy your saint posts too.

  4. I hope you had a great day, Lisa. I gave you an award over at my blog.:-)

  5. St. John Bosco ROCKS! Although he's not my son John's patron, he's also one of our favorites as well.

    And Winter Park is just lovely. Actually been there once skiing with my cousin.

    Can't wait to hear all about it - and crossing my fingers for pictures.



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