Friday, January 9, 2009

Things that scare me...

~ The devil
~ Phone calls in the middle of the night.
~ Truckers who drive 75 mph on snowy mountain roads, backsplashing my windshield.
~ My son who has his wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday and tells me he is going snowboarding on Thursday.
~ Knowing how easy it is for my children to be lost in this world (physically and/or spiritually).
~ Starting a necessary conversation with an old friend who, for some unknown reason, thinks I'm mad at her.
~ Thai food.
~ Having to fix a sentence with a dangling preposition without making it sound stilted.
~ Pantry moths.
~ Checking through two baskets full of groceries at the supermarket and having a snaffoo with my debit card.
~ Making a joke that nobody laughs at.
~ My son Jon's hot sauce
super tonic.
~ Giving bad advice.
~ Red sock/load of whites.
~ This bumper sticker:


  1. oooo I'm with you on most of these...esp the last!!

  2. Yes, that is so scary. How long do you think it's been since they went to Mass? Or are they just unable to read the readings or hear the priest?

  3. Yep! I was nodding in agreement, laughing, musing and then . . . . honest to goodness, I read, "This bumper sticker" and looked to the right to read it. Chills went through me and I felt physically nauseous.

  4. Thai food is awesome!!!

  5. Well crafted post my Colorado friend.
    I don't do devil stuff at all..and most of the other stuff scares me too.
    Except pantry moths.
    I don't know them to be scared of them.

  6. I have to agree with all of them..almost. I'm okay with moths.

  7. Great list! I'm surprised your son felt well enough to do that. My son was a wreck for about a week and he only had 2 wisdom teeth removed. Now we have to have the other two taken out.

    Thai food doesn't scare me but I think it's a bit overrated.
    Last one on your list, really scares me.

  8. So what is the super tonic used for?
    How's the tooth? No dry socket?

  9. Laura, Jen ~ Pantry moths are my enemy. &:o' I've had them twice and they have been really persnickety to get ride of.. the gross thing about them is that when you see them flying all 'round in your cupboards, you have to remember where they came from ~ little caterpillars. And the grosser part is thinking where the little caterpillars are hiding. You pretty much end up throwing everything away in the pantry and having to start again, hoping that the little moths still flying around aren't going to just start laying eggs again. Ugh.

    Peggy, Sheila ~ It really is nauseating, isn't it?

    Esther, Laura ~ I know, a lot of people really do like the Thai food,and I keep telling myself that it needs to be one of those foods that Dan and I try, but every time I pass the Thai restaurant in town, I blanche. I don't like hot stuff, for one thing, and I think the Oriental episodes of Bizaare Foods that I've seen have made me a little nervous about it.

    Anne ~ Super Tonic is a remedy Jon learned about from Fr. G. that is a general preventative and tonic for illness that "destroys most viruses, bacteria and fungus on cantact." Great stuff. But HOT. I mean noxiously hot, the way Jon makes it! Yikes! I do highly recommend it, though ~ that and Arlene's ecchinacea nd garlic tincture ~ for getting and staying well! (But don't EVER spill it in your car ~ like the boys did taking a bottle of it back to Omaha! P. U. )

    And Paul's teeth (or lack of) seem fine. Whether it's because he has amazing recuperative powers, or he's putting on the "Dogface" I don't know. But he's totally up and at'em.

  10. Woops! I meant Esther and MARIE, regarding the Thai food. But, you're included on the conversation if you want to be, took, Laura. &:o)

  11. Agh! It's too early in the morning or something ~ I meant, "too" not "took" there..

  12. I assign you C.
    (Because you live in Colorado.)
    Let me know when you've posted. K?

  13. I like this series! I'm going from top to bottom...


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