Sunday, January 11, 2009

Novena For Life

A year ago, George Bush officially dedicated January 20th as Sanctity of Human Life Day in our country. Barrack Obama, in contrast, has his pen poised to sign a death warrant for the unborn, in the form of the Freedom of Choice Act. Our best (and, at this time, probably only) hope to prevent this atrocity is prayer. There has been a call to arms in the Church. All are invited and encouraged to start praying a novena today for the prevention of FOCA. If we begin our rosaries for this specific intention today, the novena will end on the 20th of January.

See Esther, at Catholic Mom in Hawaii for specific information on the worldwide novena.


  1. We are joining you in praying this novena Lisa.
    Thanks for posting this!

  2. Hi I just started following you through Aussie coffee shope and wanted to introduce myself and say what a fantastic blog. I hope you don't mind me following along and please do come and visit me at my humble blog where I am trying my hardest to make the voice of the unborn heard.

  3. We are also joining you in the praying of this novena. I am going to post this over at CN, too.
    Thank you for passing this on!


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