Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Feast of the Epiphany!

Find the lyrics here.

Miscellaneous Tidbits and Trivia on the Day:

* Have you heard of the The shrine of the Three Kings in Germany?

* Did you know about this Italian folktale for the Epiphany?
Here's a read-aloud book to look for that tells the story.
* If you have clear skies where you are, you can look into the southern sky tonight and see the Three Kings.
* You are supposed to drink "Lambs Wool" on the Epiphany!
* When you bless your house on the Epiphany, adding the initials of the Magi's names over your doorways, the the "C" stands for the first Wise Man, Caspar, the "M" standing for Melchior, and the "B" standing for Balthasar, but these initals also do double-duty, standing for "Christus mansionem benedicat" ("Christ bless this house").
May He, indeed, bless all your homes on this Feast of the Epiphany!
(The beautiful print above, by Liz Lemon Swindle, can be purchased here.)


  1. I love your blog! Where did you get the Chesterton quotes. I'll be coming back for more liturgical year ideas/thoughts.What a beautiful site.

  2. You are always a wealth of wonderful information! You are a TREASURE! Cathy

  3. Yes, I know about La Befana. In my mother's hometown of Verona, though, Santa Lucia brings gifts in early December.

  4. Hoping a little belated blessing on my home is permissible! Thanks for all the wonderful info!

    Happy Epiphany!

  5. Please join me for Thesaurus Thursday 2009! We're gonna learn and be silly together.


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