Wednesday, January 14, 2009

From when political correctness meant getting to the voting booth on time...

Look what I stumbled upon while hunting down a picture of Wonder bread! Do you remember these? They came as trading cards when I was in grade school and they were all the rage. They were a smidge of Mad Magazine (which we were forbidden to look at) for the younger set. What a flood of memories wash over me as I look at these. I'm a fourth grader again, giggling over the pure silliness...

There now. Don't you feel about thirty years younger?


  1. Oh, I loved those and also Partridge family cards. In my neighborhood, we had a drugstore with a candy counter. It shows how times have changed, because no way would anyone allow their grade school child to walk to a store and buy candy. At least I hope not. We did just that. We also bought icky things like wax bottles with some sort of liquid, candy cigarettes, and candy necklaces. Eww!

  2. Hi, Lisa!
    Funny you should mention the Partridge family... &:o) I was going to mention the fact in my school lunch post that I was the proud owner of a Partridge Family Lunch Box, which did take some of the sting out not getting to have hot lunches. &:o)

    I SO remember those wax bottles with the sickly sweet juice in them ~ and the (heaven forbid!) candy cigarettes! I remember a pack of kids in our neighborhood trying desperately to LIGHT one of those. YIKES! I cringe at the thought ~ on a lot of levels! (Ah the life of a kid in the '70s...)

    It's true, isn't it, and sad that the freedom we had as kids we would never DREAM of giving our children today. You just couldn't!


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