Monday, December 22, 2008

Simple Woman Monday, December 22nd

For a world of kindred spirits, run over for some visits at Peggy's Simple Woman Daybook.

Outside My Window... It's been so cold here the snow from a week ago is still on the ground and there is relatively little mud ~ just ice and snow tracked in the front door.

I am hearing... The dishwasher, which appears to be stuck on the rinse cycle, I'm just noticing... 'Scuse me while I go check that out!~

I am reading... No time for reading this week!

I am wearing... Shell pink sweater over a white tee, blue jeans and tie-dye purple socks.

From the Learning Rooms... No school this week!

From the kitchen...
Mexican Wedding Cookies by Chef Michelle!

I am thankful for... All my children safely home for Christmas!!

Around the house... I'm having a dickens of a time keeping everything straight and clean ~ and struggling not to be stressed out by the extra mess brought in by all the extra people. I LOVE having all my children home, but GEE WHIZ, guys, if you'd all just put away what you take out and clean up your own crumbs and dishes, my life would be sooooooo much easier!

Picture Thought I'm sharing...


  1. Wow, what a snow! I know your kids are older than mine, but I know the feeling of walking out of a tidy room and walking back into it a half hour later and it's a mess! My kids make messes faster than I can clean them up some days!

    Merry Christmas from Nebraska! :)

  2. Ahhh, Bing Crosby and Christmas...

  3. I have to say I relate and I only have four busy little ladies keeping me on my toes lol!
    Wishing you "all" a wonderful, joyful, VERY MERRY CHIRSTMAS!
    God Bless
    Suzy xx

  4. Wishing you and your family a blessed Buon Natale.


  5. Merry Christmas to Lisa and the Davis family.

  6. Blessed Christmas to you and yours!

    My daughter had surgery yesterday and the path reports come back next week.
    Thank you so very much for your prayers!!!!

    In Christ,


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