Monday, December 1, 2008

Hurry up and take the picture, Mom! (shivershivershiver)

Ours, plus our Thanksgiving guests (Isn't Bella posing nicely?)
Ours ,except our oldest, who couldn't make it home for Thanksgiving.
(Bella is attempting a toothy grin here, we think...)

All the big boys and their friends left for Omaha after Mass yesterday.
Twenty days until we get them back for Christmas vacation!


  1. Brrr. It does look cold. Funny how you spent Thanksgiving with snow, and we spent Thanksgiving on a beach.

    Beautiful photo...and you're right, Bella was cooperating very nicely.

  2. I love that last picture of your kids. Bella's grin looks like a Duffy grin.I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. Beautiful photo but just let me say, "Brrrrrr!"

    Looks invigorating,though!
    Bella has grown!!

    Thanks for your comment over at CN. It inspired my next post which is an obvious follow up to the 2nd day of Advent focus for the Jessee Tree.
    Thank you!

  4. What a great looking family. You all look so happy!
    If a little cold lol.
    Snow always does make a lovely, romantic backdrop to a photo :0)

  5. Who's the cutie with the tights and SANDALS????
    That's something I would have done.
    Such great pictures.

  6. LOL! Nice photo. BTW, I've just tagged you for a meme.

  7. Bia ~ It was freezing! The thought of the beach right now is delicious!

    Kaila ~ Isn't it funny how dogs are? Especially the really smart ones? I really think she knew she had to pose for me.

    Peggy ~ Bella has grown! I'm glad you don't have to buy clothes or shoes for a dog ~ It's amazing how quickly she went from being a wee pup to a big old DOG!

    Suzy ~ LOL! I don't know if the kids would have thought romantic was the word... But it's a tradition to get a shot of the whole gang before everyone leaves the Sunday after Thanksgiving. And it turned out pretty well, all things considered...

    Laura ~ You noticed that, huh? That's my Theresa, in her favorite sandals. I just can't make her give those up! And she hadn't even put a coat on! Silly girl!

    Esther ~ Hi! Thanks for the tag! I'm on it!


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