Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Six Years Ago Today

Our ninth child, our fourth daughter was born!

See that face? It says it all.

She is the original Princess of Quite-a-Lot.

Happy Birthday, Anna Germaine!

We love you to the moon!


  1. Happy Birthday! What a gorgeous smile.. :)

  2. Buon Compleanno, Anna Germaine!

    P.S. My middle name is Anna...after my Italian great grandmother.

  3. Anna says "thanks" to everyone (with an impish little grin..)

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Anna Germaine!!!

    *Waves from a very hot Australia*

    Do please send me some snow if you get any lol.

    Hope you had a great day!

    Peace, JOY & Blessings to you and ALL:)

    Marie xooxoxox

  5. Happy Day to Mother and Child!!
    Do people call her Anna Anna Bo Banna?

  6. Happy Birthday Anna :0)
    What a beautiful smile!


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