Monday, November 24, 2008

Simple Woman Monday, November 24th

Outside My Window ... Ahhh.... At first glance, I'm filled with gratitude: It's a beautiful, crisp clear Colorado morning; a beautiful day to be alive. At second glance, grrr.... I see that the yard which was cleaned on Saturday is littered with a bunch of scraps of blue paper that Bella the dog has scrounged up from somewhere and torn to shreds. Sigh.... I guess that just makes for a good excuse for some fresh air and exercise later!

I am hearing... chatter and banging around upstairs where the girls are supposed to be cleaning their rooms. Sounds like they're having a lot of fun while they're cleaning...

I am reading... Cookbooks right now and not much else. Looking for a cranberry relish recipe that's not too tart, not too sweet.
I am wearing... A long, multicolored gypsy skirt (lilac, navy blue, green, brown) a lilac sweater over a white tee, and my trusty old slippers, which, as they are barely being held together with super glue, just might make it 'til Christmas (honey.)

I am hoping... and praying all our children and their friends arrive safely from Omaha tonight

From the Learning Rooms... Not much going on this week, with all the company coming in. Planning to keep up with our Math through Wednesday and read Thanksgiving storybooks together, while concentrating on lots of home economics.

From the kitchen ... We will have between 25 and 30 people here for Thanksgiving, but all our family members split up the cooking chores so it's not really overwhelming. Our family unit is in charge of one 22 pound turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce/relish, and pies. Pies, pies and pies. The boys and Michelle will turn the kitchen into a pie factory on Tuesday and Wednesday and crank out between ten and twenty pies. (Not that we need that many, but they can never make up their minds about which ones to make, so they just make them all.)

One of my favorite things... Having my boys home! Kevin (19), Jon (17), and Dominic (15) will be home, with four of their friends (from Catholic boarding school in Nebraska) who can't make it to their own homes for the holiday. It's always so much fun having so many young people around! We wish our oldest son, Paul (21), could be here, but he's spending Thanksgiving with his girl, Nicole's, family. Alas! It won't be quite everyone home for Turkey Day, but it'll be close!

I am thankful for... My great big goofy American Family!

Around the house... Blowing up air mattresses, hoping we have at least one or two that don't have pinhole leaks. Cleaning the refrigerator today to get ready for the busy week of cooking.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Aside from all the cooking and cleaning, and Thankgiving Day itself, we have chiropractor appointments on Wednesday and Friday and are getting to meet for the first time the wife of an old family friend on Saturday at a family barbeque, and then the high school football team of our former home town across the state made it to the State Championship final game, which will fortuitously be played near us in the Denver area ~ so we'll be taking in a football game on Saturday, too! And, then, with all the teenagers around for the whole week, who knows what else will come up!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing:

Links to this and other last minute Thanksgiving projects here.
Run over to Peggy's to meet a world of kindred spirits at her Simple Woman Monday gathering!


  1. I'm so glad you posted the turkey pictures! I had been planning on making colorful turkeys with my kids on Wednesday when the girls are home from school and you've just reminded me exactly how to do that. Hope you have a great week! Nice daybook!

  2. MMMM. A pie factory...can I come over?

  3. I love the kid's crafts!
    Hope you all have a wonderful time together :0)


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