Sunday, November 9, 2008

Must Be November...

The week in pictures...
An autumn tradition, our little brown squirrel hides all around the house this time of year. As soon as the children spot him, he scurries away to find another hiding place. So far he's shown up hiding behind the flowers on the mantle, on the shelves over the stove (above), and the latest spotting was here on the trike. Following are a few of our autumn decorations, including some embellishments for our St. Theresa portrait, a work in progress of Jon's. We put this painting out at the beginning of October for her feast day, finshed or not, and here we are a month later... Nobody has the heart to take it down. It may just be a permanent fixture here on top of the piano. Maybe when Jon comes home at Thanksgiving, he'll take the hint and get out his paints to finish it...

Some close up shots of our autumn village, below. We use the top of our school cabinet for our seasonal displays. The Bible verse on the print hanging above is Ecclesiastes 3:1. The five little pumpkins on the fence (below) we made in honor of our children's first and favorite autumn poem.

The lights on our autumn wreath were the prize for a major literary award I won recently. Don't they look neat? (Incidentally, the kids havent noticed it yet, but our little squirrel is hiding in the leaves on the wreath...)

Here are the Saints after they came marching in last Saturday at our parish All Saints' Day party...Three of our little saints down there. On the far right, Gabey as Old Testament St. Daniel; on the far left, William as his lion; in the middle Anna as St. Germaine. All Souls' Day visits on Monday, Nov.3rd, to pray for dear ones and those who may never get prayers.
Here we are visiting the grave of a dear parish priest, Fr. White. He got lots of prayers and lovin' and a bouquet of autumn leaves from Gabe.

Here are Theresa, Cathy, and Gabe, tending to the grave of our little one, Matthew. We have a bouquet of autumn flowers to add to his grave as soon as we figure out how to weight it properly so it won't blow away. Oh, how the wind does blow out here!
(We're thinking we may just fill the pot with rocks, which will hold the pot down, but we're not sure if that will help keep the flowers in place. We've had a problem with this for years ~ the flowers blowing out of the pot. Anyone have any ideas ~ outside of concrete?)

All of our faithful departed...
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.


  1. A) Your house looks autumn-beautiful.
    B) The kids look so cute in their saints costumes
    C) The leave bouquet in front of the headstone is precious.

  2. As usual, seeing all your creative ideas and fun family ideas makes me want to move out to CO and be your neighbor!

    What a fun squirrel idea...don't you hide a mouse in your Christmas village?

  3. i love your village!


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