Friday, October 17, 2008


Laura, at Catholic Teacher Musings, the Haiku Queen of the blogosphere, is treating us with another Haiku contest! This one has to have a "yuckety yuck" Halloween theme. Here's my attempt ~ a short story in haiku:

The Jack O'Lantern

Out on the doorstep
Watching ghosts and goblins pass.
Better than tv.

Welcome distraction
From a now empty tummy
Denied a candle.

Pumpkin Jack watches
As a little frozen ghost
Presses the doorbell.
Who'd have thought?

The lonely old step
Which seemed like a bad fate
Is quite the sweet spot!

Jack scoots near the ghost
With a big bag of candy,
Close enough to reach.

Triangle eyes watch
Hands full of candy tossed in
From the open door.

Such an easy treat

Deserving an easy trick ~
Little Ghost won't mind.

He has plenty more
And no one will ever know
That Jac
k is the thief.

Triangle eyes watch
The little ghost disappear
Down the dark sidewalk.

If you look closely
You can see a big, bright grin
Without a candle.

Why the pumpkin smile?
Candy corn, black licorice.

Pumpkin seed belches.

Haikus are supposed to be brief, you say?
Y'all know I can't be brief!

For some brevity that is truly the soul of wit, run over to Laura's and check out all the awesome entrants.


  1. Oh man....this is tooo much.
    Pictures are adorable....haiku is adorable...Colorado cuties.

  2. You are too, too clever. I had a hard time coming up with TWO, and here you go with an entire story written in haiku.

    Clever and imaginative.

  3. Too cool!!! I also love the pictures of the decorations! Cathy


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