Sunday, October 5, 2008


I spotted him, easy, out of all those bald young men at Marines Officer Candidate School...

My first born son, Paul...
The first pride and joy of my life ~
The one of my children who is so much like me, we drive each other crazy ~ but it's a special kind of crazy with an underlying appreciation and understanding... My Paul ~ So smart, so full of life, always the big brother... When he works, he works hard...
When he plays, he plays hard...When he sleeps, he sleeps big... When he hugs, he hugs good...

We're so proud to be the parents of this young man, and so pleased that he's brought Nicole into our lives. His judgment in seeing and seeking the goodness of this sweet girl proves his Godly discernment and good taste. He has always been the perfect example to all of his brothers and sisters ~ a man of honor, integrity and faith. We couldn't ask for more. We thank God every day for him and pray that every day of the rest of his life is filled with grace and happiness.
Happy 21st Birthday, Paul Joseph!
We Love You!
Can't wait to see you next weekend!
Pray it doesn't snow so we can get over Eisenhower Pass to come get you!


  1. You have every reason to be bubbling over with pride.
    What a great guy.
    (Happy day of birth to you, Mom)

  2. I have a Marine son too. Enjoyed your blog.


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