Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ha! Found my camera!

Thank-you, St. Anthony! It was in the zipper pocket in the bottom of the baby backpack that we took with us hiking on Sunday.

I had to wait until I could download the camera to show you what we've been up to. It was definitely a "pictures-worth-a-thousand-words" kind of weekend.

We baked all day Saturday...
Remember these?

We turned them into these:
*Apple walnut bread (sugar-free and yummy!),
*Pumpkin bread
*Peaches and cream bread
*Apple pie
*Peach pie
*Baby pumpkin muffins
*Peaches frozen for cobbler later

Then, after Mass on Sunday, we stayed for the parish potluck (to which we brought some of our baked goods) and Catechism classes with the traveling Sisters.

While the Sisters were here, Catherine got to be tested for her first Holy Communion. And, guess what?! She will be receiving Our Lord for the first time on Christ the King Sunday at the end of the month! We're so excited! That was the hilight of the day, but we still had more fun to come.

After the potluck, we changed into play clothes, packed ourselves up, and brought ourselves and the rest of our baked goods up to the mountains to celebrate the season with some of our oldest and dearest friends at their annual fall outing. But, enough words; I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking!
On the Way

At the campsite at Chicago Forks

On the Trail

(This trail is called "Hell's Hole Trail"! Can you believe it? Talk about a misnomer!)

It was a lovely day!


  1. What beautiful scenery!! I was feeling as I looked at the pictures, how much fun it would be to join you on an outing like this. We love God's beautiful country....

  2. What beautiful pictures!
    Thanks for sharing your lovley day.
    The fruit bread look scrummy!
    I've never tried pumpkin bread before, sounds lovely! And very Autumnal too!
    I might ahve a go at that one sometime :0)
    Have a great day!

  3. Joann~ Wouldn't we love to go on a hike with your gang! &:o) I bet everyone would hit it off; they have a lot in common. It is beautiful ~ esp this time of year, I think!

    Suzy ~ Pumpkin bread marks the beginning of autumn for us! Oh, my is it good! Do you want to e-mail me, and I'll send you our recipe?


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