Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nightowl Reports...

Staying up to read the news so you don't have to...

Here's what I found out tonight:

Women May Be Starting to Rediscover What Our Grandmothers Knew All Along...

* That what we really want is not what the feminists tell us we want.

That anything cooked at home is just better..

And that you don't need to spend $4 at Starbuks for a good cup of coffee. Or mocha. Or frappuccino.

There ya go...


  1. Starbucks has done an outstanding job of making us believe that 4bucks is a reasonable amount of money for java.
    Isn't that funny?

    Can you do this with the World News every night for me?

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself. Just home with a bug and doing a little blog hopping. Nice to find you.

  3. Amen - your new blog look is terrific!


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