Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two Beautiful Prayers

I found these recently and added them to my list. I thought you might like them, too.

Prayer of Offering

O my Jesus, I wish to be included in all the Masses which are being offered today in the whole world. I offer them up in union with the intentions of Thy Sacred Heart, and I beseech Thee, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to reserve for me and apply to me from every Holy Mass a drop of Thy Precious Blood for the blotting out of my sins and of the punishment due to sin.

I also supplicate Thee that, through the efficacy of every sacrifice of the Mass, a poor soul may be delivered from the pains of Purgatory; a sinner converted; a dying person find mercy and grace; an infant be preserved from the danger of dying without baptism; a child be strengthened to preserve its innocence; a youthful soul which is about to choose a vocation, receive lights and courage to act and to decide according to the will of God; and finally, that a mortal sin which would most grieve Thy Sacred heart, be prevented. Amen

Imprimatur: Thmas H. McLaughlin, Bp of Paterson, circulated by the St. Anthony Guild, 1931

Prayer for Help to be a Good Mother

Mary, my Mother, grant that my little children may instruct me in the ways of God. Let their innocent eyes speak to me of the spotless holiness of Jesus. Let their open smiles remind me of the great love God has for his creatures.

Let their helplessness teach me the unbounded power of God. May their first feeble efforts to speak call to mind the wisdom of the Almighty. May their simple trust in me lead me to cherish a like confidence in God. May my love for God be stimulated by the deep-rooted affection my children have for me. May I in all these things grow in a greater appreciation of my holy motherhood.

Mary, I trust in you to obtain this favor for me. Amen.

Mother of Mothers, pray for me!


  1. I especially like the mother's prayer, even the holy card is beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing these!


  2. Oh I love the Our Lady of the Little One's what a beautiful pic and prayer:)

    Peace and love to you Lisa:)

    Marie xooxoxox


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