Monday, September 22, 2008

The Theban Legion

Besides being my big brother, Steve's, birthday today (Happy Birthday, Steve!), it's the feastday of St. Maurice and the Theban Legion. This is another of so many inspiring stories of the martyrs. Our big boys, especially, loved hearing tales of the great soldier martyrs of the early Church, and this one has never ceased to amaze us all with the courage and valor of the six thousand, six hundred men who laid down their lives for their Faith!

The study of these saints leads us down a couple of interesting rabbit trails. First of all, it's fascinating to read about the life of a Roman soldier. The boys would take this opportunity to make some play weapons or armor, or find some cheap stuff on the internet . But, the girls, I'm afraid, have only enough interest in Roman soldiers to take the time for these two different Roman soldier coloring pages.

1 comment:

  1. I checked out those coloring pages and those soldiers are sportin' some pretty meaty calves.


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