Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well, now...

Here's a little food for thought:

No comment necessary.


  1. Oh man, that is tooooo funny!

    I did the meme you sent... thanks for tagging me!

  2. As soon as my adorable husband waketh from his sleep, I am showing this to him. hee hee.

  3. looks like many of his words are coming back to haunt him. But how can a Catholic even think about supporting Obama? Hmmm.

    Peace to you:)

    Marie xoxoxo

  4. Marie ~ I know! It's incomprehensible that a Catholic would even consider it! It always pains me that so much of the Catholic Latino vote automaticall sways Democratic... I have been very glad to hear of the Catholic bishops who have firmly stated the Official Catholic stand ~ for those (like, um, Ms. Pelosi...) who seem to be confused about this. (Like, how one could be confused escapes me!!)


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