Monday, October 13, 2008

Simple Woman Monday, October 13th

Peggy at The Simple Woman hosts this lovely excuse for visiting kindred spirits. Run over there to catch up on a cornucopia of Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window.... The Hunter Moon is rising over the back twenty acres.

I am thinking... I'm so glad everyone is home! But, it's kept me from recording my Monday morning thoughts until Monday evening!

From the kitchen... Oh, my gosh. To celebrate our oldest son's 21st birthday, we just had a vat of shrimp gumbo, (Paul's, favorite meal), a store-boughten cake, and three gallons of ice cream (one completely eaten, one half eaten, one about a quarter eaten). But, I gotta share with you how amazed and proud I am of myself ~ I didn't eat any of it! (...except, ahem, one spoonful of Caramel Caribou ice cream.)

I am creating... plans, patterns, and supplies for starting our home-crafted Christmas presents next week.

I am going... to the chiropractor three more times this week to get our boys' spines back in straight lines. These boys really throw themselves into life, let me tell ya.

I am wearing... Peach and pale pink plaid victorian-style blouse over a white tea, jeans and pink retro sneakers.

I am reading... Nothing much this week, as the children are keeping me busy ~ Someday, I may actually finish my Maisie Dobbs novel.

I am hoping... that all my children keep their love and enthusiasm for their faith and family throughout their lives.

I am hearing... Our teenagers, their friends and uncle throwing a little beanbag elephant around the living room, Catherine and Theresa desperately trying to convince everyone to get a game of Pictionary started, Jon playing the piano, Paul warning everyone not to walk in on whoever is in the bathroom showering, Gabe and William saying goodnight and heading off to bed...

Around the house... I've been cleaning and tidying and cooking 29 hours a day, I think, and I'm never done cleaning, tidying and cooking... which really is quite alright...

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... I plan to enjoy the crowds and noise, and try not to be overwhelmed by the socks, shoes and dirty dishes that come with it all.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing with you...

Left to right ~ The Boys: Kevin, Dominic, William, Paul with Gabe on his shoulders, and Jon. The Girls: Catherine, Anna, Michelle and Theresa.


  1. They look so happy it almost looks like a TV family.

  2. what a great shot of all your children Lisa.

  3. What a great picture thought...your little guy with his oustretched arms says it all.

  4. OK I have to ask..what is 'gumbo'?..I will now have to check google to see what a gumbo is lol Lisa.

    You have a lovely family God bless you all.

    Peace, JOY & Love to you:)

    Marie xooxoxo

  5. Laura ~ Hahaha. We were having a good time that day. &:o))

    Therese ~ Thanks! We loved this one. My husband liked it so much, he put it on our computer for a screensaver. It makes me smile every time I look at it!

    Bia ~ We couldn't have pictured William in a way that more expressed exactly who he is, and how he was feeling that day.

    Marie ~ I didn't even think that some might not be familiar with Gumbo! &:o) I'll post the recipe!


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