Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just poppin' in here to make note that there are a few...

Things I Cannot Eat Just One Of:

(One handful, that is. )
(Oh, and, um, please 'scuse the dangling preposition there...)

1. Peanut M&Ms

2. Fiddle Faddle

3. Fig Newtons

(So much for the diet this day. I just ate a sleeve...)


  1. My youngest son just discovered a love for Fig Newtons!! I agree -- yum!

  2. Goodness, Peggy, I'd be so much better off if I didn't like those newtons so much... &:o'

  3. Let's see...Cashew, peanuts, popcorn (MY microwave bag-full), Vanilla Wafers, and chips and salsa. I could go on but it would certainly be too revealing...Ron's the Fig Newton man!! This was fun! Cathy

  4. Fig Newtons? Interesting. I like me a fig every once in a while. But I can back off.
    The M&M's....well you know my surrender to the bright yellow bag.

  5. Uhmmm...what's a fiddle faddle?

    For me, I can't eat just one Hasbro gummie bear. No siree, only the entire bag will do. (And it takes me a long time because I eat one at a time!)

  6. Cathy ~ oh, yeah, any kind of nut! And popcorn for me, too...

    And chips, Laura... Yeah, I have a problem stopping from eating them all, too.

    Bia ~ Fiddle Faddle is carmel covered popcorn with peanuts in it, basically. Mmmmmmmmmgoooooood! Ya gotta try some! Gummie bears are probably much better for you, though! &:o)


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