Friday, August 1, 2008

Just About Finished!

Befores and then Afters:

We had used this central room as a living room for a while, but we decided we like it as a dining room. The ancient gas furnace is gone; central heat is coming to the old farmhouse for the first time the middle of this month. Hallelujah!

We have yet to choose light and outlet covers and have a couple trim issues to tweak. I still want to make a flower arrangement for the top of the piano and find a painting for the right side of the fireplace. Also, the yellow below the chair railing will be tempered with a subtle sepia and copper paint wash technique. We hope to get to that next week when we have more time to play with it. I'll post some pics as we finish up.

Jon is my artist and I'm counting on him to help me get it right! (You hear that, Jon?)

You can see where we covered a small doorway into the kitchen on this wall. Since we added the big arch on the opposite side of this room over Christmas vacation, it wasn't needed for flow, and the extra counter space we'll be able to add now on the kitchen side will be fabulous!

Ta Da! Our new piano fills this space much better than the old furnace, we think. You wouldn't believe how much exercise this old girl is getting in our house!

This book case balances out the heavy furniture on the other side of the room, but kinda dwarfs the doorway into the next room.

Adding the trim and color seems to help with the proportion over there, but I don't know... Still working on that.


My undying gratitude to my husband, and especially to Jon and Dominic, who really did most of the work and trouble shooting on this project. You guys never cease to amaze me! I love it, love it, love it!

(The kitchen is next, right?)


  1. Your dining area is gorgeous!! I love the book shelf. One of my greatest wishes is for a piano--you must love it so...

  2. I would love to have an eating area with a fireplace. How cozy that will be when the weather cools off. Enjoy!


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