Friday, August 29, 2008

Forget McCain...

I'm voting for Sarah!


  1. This I was really glad to see. McCain seriously gives me the creeps (as does Obama). This lady really balances things out.

  2. I'm with you, Marie! I was not excited at all about McCain (except that he's pro life) ~ and was seriously watching out for 3rd party candidates. But, I'll reconsider McCain now with Palin on the ticket!

  3. Talk about "freedom of choice" - I am loving this choice! I just saw an interview with her and I am liking her more and more.

  4. I'm cautiously optimistic over here, but for the first time I can actually smile when thinking about this election!

  5. Well in Australia we speak as we find and are known for our outspoken manner.

    I like her as she seems to speak without guile and straight from the hip. This girl has guts!

    Peace, JOY & blessings to you Lisa:)

    Marie xoxoxoox..Talk about shooting from the hip that is what I have just done on my blog;)


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