Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Countdown Begins

You're looking at our last half roll of paper towels ~ maybe a half day's worth. Tomorrow morning I'm hunting through the bins in the barn to find the old towels I wrapped my teacups in when we moved. I'll cut them up and add them to our dishrag supply. As suggested, I'm going to hunt down a small hamper to leave in the kitchen for dirty rags. By lunchtime, we should be all set and ready to go paper towel-less.

Seriously, folks, we go through a roll a day sometimes, and need to break this addiction. We might be feeling a little testy around here in paper towel rehab, so be patient with us, please.

They tell me cold-turkey is the only way. It's going to be rough, but I think we're up to it.

Too bad there's not a patch or something to help with the withdrawal, though...


  1. I've toyed with the "paperless" idea myself, but I'm not sure I would be up to the laundry challenge with so many spills going on around here!

    Good luck going cold turkey!

  2. We really, really need to do this too - I am just a wimp! :) I'll seehow it goes for you and I'll take all your pointers. (See? I told you I was a wimp!)

  3. That is too expensive. The two of us probably use a roll to a roll and a 1/2 a week. I try to use those 1/2 sheets when possible. You could probably save about 30 bucks a month.
    360.00 year?
    That's serious money.

  4. I saw where you were doing this the other day and I dont think I could make it...so good luck...paper towels are very important around here..they rate with the soap....I'm sure you can do it though....we are going green in other ways slowly...i bought shopping bags and bag my own now...which is my way of starting in baby steps....good luck...I will be thinking about you. You should post in a week and let us know how things are going.

  5. I go through a roll a month or so, maybe longer. All I really use them for is wiping out pans that have to be reused right away or laying them down on the counter to build sandwiches. I guess I could do without them quite easily, but I like the cheery patterns.

  6. You can run but you cannot hide....tag.
    If you have done this one..just pretend you didn't see this.
    I won't tell.

  7. Here's what I did several years ago: at Bed & Bath I bought a huge stack of "bar towels", which is really just a fancy name for a not so nice looking wash cloth. The came in bundles of 12 for one or two dollars, and this is what we use in the kitchen. I keep them stashed in a kitchen drawer, and at the end of the day I toss the ones we used in the hamper.

  8. Good idea Bia.
    Well you've made me think, Lisa.
    I ripped up an old shirt yesterday (it was ruined by stains) and put it under the sink to use for water spills. I don't need to wipe up water with a paper towel.
    I'm going to keep at this and see how I can change my paper towel habit.

  9. Bia ~ I'll look for a stack of bartowels. That's a great idea! After cutting up my old towels, I'm realizing I'm going to have to whip a zigzag around them, or they're going to fray like crazy. Be nice to have an already finished set. I know we can't have too many!

    Laura ~ I think that's one of the things that was eating me about using up so many paper towels. So many of them just cleaned up WATER.

    Ouiz and Jen ~ Thanks for the good wishes! Maybe it won't be as bad as I'm afraid it'll be. Today is the day we go fer it, though, so we'll see!

    Aimee ~ I've been a wimp about this one, too, for a long time! But I'll keep you posted and let you know if it's working for us!

    Marie ~ You're so funny! I only like the patterns occasionally. I'm not much into pastels, but there were some green leaf ones a while back that I really liked. Maybe I can set my little girls to embroidering our dishtowels....


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