Monday, July 7, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook, July 7th

This simply lovely idea originated at Peggy's place The Simple Woman. Run over there to catch up on everyone's Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window... Cloudy, hazy, and cool, the air smells like rain. A rare and wonderful summer morning for Colorado. Clouds and rain are unusual to wake up to!

I am thinking... I need to get the little boys outside today, as they're already running around like cowboys and Indians and it isn't even 9:00 yet. (At least it's nice and cool for them!)

From the kitchen... I got a package of spinach and asiago chicken sausage links that I'm debating how to prepare for dinner tonight...

I am creating... A packet of letters and silliness to mail off to our oldest son, Paul, who is at Officer Candidate School in Virginia, waiting expectantly at mail call every afternoon for his name to be called.

I am going... to my favorite place in the world, Ouray, CO, at the end of this month to go 4-wheeling with my my favorite person in the world, my husband. Then, off to Virginia the first week of August to attend Paul's graduation from OCS. Working on the planning of both of those trips, as well as getting the girls ready to head off to Catholic Girls' Camp next week!

I am wearing... denim clamdiggers, a tan tee with swirly designs and seedbeads, tan sandals (and this humidity has fluffed my hair up like a dandelion gone to seed today!)...

I am reading... the history of my maiden name family online (Very Cool!).

I am hoping... we get some decent rain today. Our high prairies are dry as a bone right now and need all they can get!

I am hearing... Foofoo dog, Brigid's toenails tiptapping across the dining room floor, the Little's chattering about bagels in the kitchen...
Around the house... Jon (17) and Dominic (14) are getting ready to pull the walls and ceiling down in our living room and re-sheetrock them. Stay tuned... It should be interesting.

One of my favorite things... a good cup of coffee in the morning and a few minutes to myself before the children get up.

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Besides the utter destruction of the room that is the heart of our house... Chiropractor appointments, foofoo dog grooming appointment, dentist appointments, and helping my sister move into her new house on Wednesday. Not much going on here... (ack,ack)

Here is a picture thought (or two) I'm sharing with you...
Remember being a kid and doing this? Do you remember that "roller coaster" feeling you'd get in your stomach when you got good and high and came wooshing back down? Do you remember how your hair would fly up behind you? Do you remember getting up the courage to jump off? It was the bravest thing I remember doing as a seven-year old.
Here are Cathy and Michelle having a good swing.
All in a kid's day's work.


  1. Good luck to your son in OCS. I remember those days well.
    Our son has just changed duty stations to Masawa Japan and he is trying to adjust. :/

  2. I love you home on the blogwaves! Those pictures reminded me ofplaying on the swings with my younger sister many years ago!!

  3. Good luck to your son in OCS. I'm an Air Force Wife :)

    Hope you have a great day!

  4. Those swinging times were some of the great memories I have as a kid.

    Truth is I still love to swing!!

    Thanks for sharing,

  5. I totally get the "fluffed up hair like a dandelion gone to seed" thing!

    Happens to me all the time.

  6. Wow! I had completely forgotten about swinging like that! Great to meet you.

  7. Thanks for bringing back the wonderful memories of swinging. I had almost forgotten those sensations!

  8. Loved the pictures and the Simple Woman's Day Book entry.
    I used to love to climb the swings and sit on the top bar (or swing from the top bar - much to my Mother's dismay). My youngest has my climbing gene (much to Dad's dismay!)

    I hope ya'll get the much needed rain, soon.

  9. May the sheetrock project go well! How awesome for your boys to be able to handle that! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the daybook, don't you?

  10. I used to love swinging as a child, but I sure can't do it anymore! Fun pics!



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