Monday, July 14, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook, July 14th

This simply lovely idea originated at Peggy's place The Simple Woman. Run over there to catch up on everyone's Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window... Still, warm, and sunny. Looks like it's going to be a scorcher.
I am thinking... It's going to be a long week with my girls (except our youngest daughter, Anna) away at Camp.
From the kitchen... We have a new refrigerator! It's so lovely, we all pet it when we pass by...

I am creating... New walls are still going up in our living room this week, though I'm just a bystander to the real work being done. I do get to be the deciding vote on choosing paint colors today from the paint chips we picked up on Saturday.

I am going... Grocery shopping to fill up my new fridge (We lost almost all our food when the other one went belly up last week).

I am wearing... A tree-frog-green gypsy skirt and white tee with green and pink flipflops.

I am reading... Not much right now, with our house all heels over bloomers. Sneaking in a little Fr. Brown from the GKC Omnibus when I need a break...

I am hoping... Our little Cathy has a good time on her first trip to Catholic Girls' Camp, and doesn't suffer homesickness. She does have her sisters, Michelle and Theresa, and she knows many of the Sisters who run the camp, and Cathy is a pretty stalwart little soul, too. But she's a bit of a homebody and only seven... (I'm sure she's fine...)

I am hearing... Dumbo in the background and Gabriel complaining that William is "purposely trying to annoy me. And I'm not even looking at him."

Around the house... The sheetrocking in the living room is at a temporary standstill while we wait for an electrician to show up (hopefully today!) to fix the wiring to the overhead light.

One of my favorite things... Four-wheeling with my husband in the beautiful San Juans, with a picnic in the back seat and a camera in my hand. (Can't wait 'til the 24th to get to do this!)

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... No plans except to facilitate getting my living room finished and my house put back together.

Here is a picture thought I'm sharing with you...
Anna feeding our two new mini-Nubian kids, Latte and Mocha. Their whole names are Mocha Secunda and Latte Rufina to honor the saints of the day on which we got them. These two will be pets, not milkers. We're trying them out with the girls to test their responsibility and resolve before rehousing the barn with a dairy goat ~ or maybe a cow. The little girls barely remember our dairy operation from before our Western Slope move, so we thought it best to bring everyone slowly up to speed ~ and so far, everyone's enjoying the novelty. We'll see how it goes when it becomes just a chore!


  1. I love goats!!! When we get our own land I want to raise goats and chickens. Sell the wool, do stuff with the milk, eat and sell the eggs, and just enjoy the animals.

  2. Sweet photo! My little ones have been clamoring for goats...pygmies, to be precise! Hubby is still putting our chicken coop together...thanks for sharing your day!

  3. The goats are cute! We used to raise goats and drink goat milk when I was a kid. I miss the farm life.

    Just stoppin' by to say hey.

  4. Very sweet picture. I'd LOVE to get goats and/or a mini Jersey cow. *sighs* Next year we might be getting our chickens.


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