Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Parenting Rule #1: Never turn your back on the kids!


  1. heehee!
    That's so funny.
    I hope those poor little ducklings didn't really fall down there though lol!

  2. I love this! But it still makes me a little sad! Those poor baby duckies and their momma! :(

  3. Oh! No! These pictures make me very nervous...

  4. The first time I saw this was in a Parenting class and the instructor gave us some background (I'm assuming her sources were factual). She said that there were rescue vehicles nearby and they opened the grate and retrieved the baby birds and returned them to the mother. The mother promptly crossed the street and did the same exact thing again on the opposite side!

  5. Oh my goodness... that made me laugh.

    Thanks for sharing.


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