Friday, July 18, 2008

OH! OH! Hurry up to get in on this one!

Today marks the day to begin a novena to a dear heavenly friend. I think I will be praying this simple one just because we have been so incredibly busy lately and I don't want to miss a day for want of time. Under usual circumstances I would probably pray this very beautiful one.

St. Anne's feast day is a week from Saturday, July 26th! We have a special friendship with this wonderful saint, the mother of Mary, the grandmother of Christ. Our fourth daughter is named for her; we consider her influence to have been great toward the ten successful deliveries of our babies. We have never called on her without answer. And her answers have been singularly poignant and sometimes full of humor. We think she must have been a woman of much spirit and mirth. It's a special blessing to get to know the personalities of the saints by speaking with them as the caring friends they are. I'll try to post about our signal graces from St. Anne next week on her feast day!

H/T: Rosemary B. (Hi, sweety!)


  1. Thanks for the visit...I've removed the "little squirrel" until I can get home to repair it. Then will post it again!!! Thanks for your help!!!!! Cathy


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