Thursday, July 17, 2008

Gopher Broke

In honor of the harvesters that are currently barreling down our country road every twenty minutes at 70 mph, laden with tons and tons of Colorado winter wheat, and because Yuyum and Gabey love it when I post anything from you tube...


  1. ROFLOL!!!!Hahahahhahaah!! Do not ask for whom the bell tolls' hahahahhaha!! Too too funny!!! Loved it Thanks Lisa.

    In fun

    Marie xooxoxo

  2. PS: Here is a link to the song Myfanwy by David Essex I hope it works.

    Marie xooxox

  3. Poor little thing. After seeing all those delicious, fresh veggies I think I'll "gopher" it and go get some from a famer's stand today.


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