Saturday, June 28, 2008

You guys are so funny...

OK, kids. I'm not so sure about the yak milk, pompis remover (huh?) and Queso de gato (you guys are so weird), but I definitely don't want any kidney stones...


  1. Looks like something one of mine might do...I also have kids with a quirky sense of humor (I wonder where they got it from...?)

    I like your blog!

  2. I don't want any kidney stones either!!! Really, YAK milk... What wonderful imaginations!!! Cathy

  3. Hi, Nadja, and welcome! They are goofy kids ~ I'm glad mine aren't the only ones! It makes life interesting, doesn't it? I'm so glad you stopped by!

    Cathy ~ Aren't they nuts? You just never know what you're going to find around here. &:o)

  4. Yak milk . . . sounds "yacky", I mean, "yucky"!

  5. Last night in church (at the beach) was a mom and 3 of her little ones behind us, one next to me, and four (FOUR!!) of her bigger ones in front of us. These four boys in front of us, ranging from 9-15 years old, responded to all the prayers and sang all of the songs. This was such a nice, big Catholic family- I thought of you and your family. I imagine they are like this.

    ...incidently, the one next to me had a beautiful singing voice. The cantor, on the other hand, had slight pitch problems and I saw a few brothers glance at one another and I thought, uh oh...a family giggle fest is about to ensue.
    But they controlled themselves and continued focusing on the Mass.
    Great family.


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