Sunday, June 1, 2008

To kick off the week before Drawing Saturday

OK... So, Marie, over at MeMarie Lane drew a self portrait, deep in symbolism, and invited us to share ours, too. So, here's mine. That's me up there, with my glasses on. My nose looks a little weird, but then, my nose is a little weird. And I was doing most of this sketching with a two-year-old on my lap, and under my feet, and on my shoulders, and sticking pencils in my ears...

So that explains the hands, and explains away the poor drawing... The rest of it is pretty easy, I think. The drawing is cluttered, but the symbolism is pretty simple. I remember in college a poetry professor telling me I wasn't obtuse enough. I guess I'm still not obtuse enough. ( Is that a bad thing?)

You see how I can't quite get my hands on that jeep or that book there? I'm thinking maybe somewhere near retirement (in 16 or 18 years or so) I might actually get ahold of both of those dreams.

Notice how the big kid's hands are only represented by a finger or two, or are not even in evidence? Letting go of those growing up fingers one by one is one of the biggest challenges of parenthood!

But the Littles' hands are all right there? Bless 'em. Their hands were right there when I was trying to draw this. And, as frustrating as those little fingers are sometimes, I'm happy to hang onto them for a while.

Run over and see Marie's drawing and her other links, and maybe add one of your own!


  1. "Notice how the big kid's hands are only represented by a finger or two, or are not even in evidence? Letting go of those growing up fingers one by one is one of the biggest challenges of parenthood!"

    I love that symbolism. What a creative piece of art straight from the heart.
    I love it!

  2. This is beautiful!

    Does having all the hands around you all day make you feel a little smothered, now and again?

  3. You're certainly a better artist than I am!

  4. WOW Lisa
    you can draw! I never got past stick figures..Have you thought about taking lessons to improve your obvious Gift? And then share them on your blog with the drawing impaired;)heehee!

    Lisa the artiste..just dont go all Prima donna on us...just kidding ya heehee!

    Love and laughs

    Marie xooxoxoxo

  5. My goodness every time I turn aound I find another gift you have to share!!! Really a beautiful and engaging work of ART!!! Cathy

  6. I love how it looks like a wreath of hands.
    I agree with Jacki - beautiful!


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