Friday, June 6, 2008

First Things First

Cathy, over at A Bit of the Blarney tagged me for this really quick and fun meme. This is about my speed first thing in the morning, so here goes:

The first thing I thought today: "Dang! The boys left and I forgot to give them Michelley's bathing suit!" (Sorry, Michelle!)
The first thing I ate today: Dry maple-flavored mini wheats.
The first thing I drank today: A cup of coffee.
The first thing I said today: "Hand me a diaper, Theresa..."
The first action I did today: Changed a diaper...
The first thing I read today: An e-mail from my good friend, Terrie. (Hi, Terrie!)
The first item of clothing I put on today: Lilac colored tee
The first person I spoke to today: Murmered goodbye to my husband, I think, when he left around 5:30 this morning...
The first chore I did today: Wiped up the mustard the boys got all over the counter making themselves bagged lunches this morning.
The first blog I visited today: Visited Cathy at A Bit of the Blarney!

Now, I tag:

(Hmmm, let me see...)


  1. Fun meme, thanks!!
    Love the "catching the wind" clip. I finally have a computer with sound and that was INCREDIBLE!!


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