Monday, June 16, 2008

Better-Late-Than-Never Daybook Monday

This simply lovely idea originated at Peggy's place, The Simple Woman. Run over there to catch up on everyone's Monday morning thoughts!

Outside my Window... The wind is blowing, as usual, and the sun has come out, picking up in bright relief the bits of flotsam and jetsam blowing about. Looks like it's time for another mowing and trash gathering expedition in the North Yard...

I am thinking... I'm so proud of our Theresa who received the Holy Ghost in Confirmation on Sunday! AND I wish everyone here could finally kick this stupid stomach bug that is still plaguing us!

I am thankful for... 1) The Sisters who taught all our parish children at Catechism Camp last week. 2) For my truly wonderful Husband, who I'm afraid had a rather low-key Father's Day due to not feeling well. 3) AND the Sambucol I finally got ahold of that is ~ God willing ~ going to finally relieve us of our viral suffering ~ and prevent any more of it!

From the kitchen... Not much going on. Fix-it-yourself for those who are well enough to fix it themselves. Toast, crackers and water... Lots of bowls of cereal being eaten by well-kids. (Except Jon, of course, who made himself eggs benedict. And may now live to regret it...)

I am creating... a long, long list of things to catch up on now that Catechism Camp is over and everyone is on the downhill side of the stomach bug. (PLEASE, GOD!) For instance, I still haven't sewn my new kitchen curtains that've been waiting on me for, oh, a couple months now!

I am going... nowhere soon, if I can help it. I'm pooped out!

I am wearing... A long brown gypsy skirt and a peach and brown plaid, victorian-style, scoop neck blouse ~ mod(est)ified with a camisole beneath. (Mainly I'm wearing this fancy shirt because it's the only long sleeved one I still had hanging in my closet, and it's chilly today.)

I am reading... Curse of the Pharoahs by Elizabeth Peters (Just finished) The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry (Just starting).

I am hoping... My wonderful husband feels better soon.

I am hearing... the chatter of voices at the dining room table... Theresa singing We Are Siamese, if You Please... The chimes in front of the dining room window sounding gently...

Around the house... Everything is actually spic and span because we had an enforced zone-cleaning-party first thing this morning, no matter how everyone moaned and groaned. So we're all tidy and disinfected again.

One of my favorite things... Listening to my children sing in the choir on Sundays. (They sounded awesome for Confirmation Sunday!)

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Chiropractor for several of us... Dedication ceremonies for a new chapel that our choir members will get to participate in on Tuesday... House party with dear friends on Saturday... Hopefully we'll get to see a movie at the end of the week ~ either that Panda one or the new Pixar film, Wallee.

Here is a picture thought (or two) I'm sharing with you...

Happy, Happy Father's Day to the World's Best Daddy!

Congratulations, Sweetheart!

(See that little slip of a girl tucked in there? That's Theresa on the Big, Big Day! Better pics hopefully coming soon...)

Hullo, Lady. Whatcha doing?


  1. I love reading these, and I love that your daughter was singing "We are Siamese if you please." How cute can you get?

    Sewing curtains?

    You churn your own butter too, I bet.


  2. I hope you are all feeling better soon. I finally got around to doing the meme you tagged me for a while back.:-)

  3. Ugh...we had one of those stomach bugs we couldn't get over a while back, too. NO fun. :-( Hope you all get better and back in the swing of things soon!

    Enjoyed your daybook entry! Have a great week.

  4. Hope you're feelng better soon.
    The pictures are so lovely. Congrates to Theresa for her confirmation. How exciting!


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