Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wordless Wednesday on Thursday


  1. These are terrific candids. YOu have a beautiful family.

    Thanks so much for your kind words on my dolls. I would be honored to have you place a button on your blog!

    If you will email me at I gladly send you the code : )

  2. Great photos . . . is everyone home now?

  3. Earthmommy ~ Will do! &:o)

    Bia ~ Not quite everyone. Kevvy (19) drove over to the western slope to pick up his big brother, Paul, his girlfriend, Nicole, and our good family friend, Alena. Sometime tonight, we'll have a good houseful! &:o) YAY!

    Oh, Oh, and, Bia, I've got my big meeting tomorrow night to meet with the author who I'd be working with illustrating. Please say a prayer for me! (The big plan is that this will pay for us to get a real piano and everyone's hoping big!)

  4. Oh, Lisa! Yahoo! An illustrator? I'll definitely storm heaven with prayers!! What a talented family you have: singing, drawing, writing . . . I am so incredibly happy for you (and for the record, I'd like to place a pre-order for the book right now!!).

    "Buona Fortuna" tonight. I'll be thinking of you.

    P.S. If you had an e-mail address I'd send you a personal congratulatory e-card!

  5. P.S. Have a blessed weekend now that all your family is home!

  6. Lisa, I sent your blog address to my grandmother because she sent out an email lamenting over the small amount of Catholic stuff out there(and she also has ten kids (one in heaven), so I think she can relate to you. So she may pop up on here, her name is Marie also. :)

  7. These pictures give such a lovley idea of the fun in your home.
    Thanks for sharing them:)

  8. Bia ~ Thanks so much!! &:o) Praying and working... I'm going to make an effort today to get my e-mail link working again in my sidebar. I've had trouble getting that to work right, so had just given up. But, I do need to fix that! But, you don't need to send a card! You're so sweet! You've already sent along the best encouragement!!

    Kaila ~ Thank-you! You're so nice! &:o) I'm glad to have them all together for a while!

    Marie ~ We'll be so glad to meet your grandmother! I hope she does stop by!

    Suzy ~ Thank-you! There is never a dull moment around here, that's for sure! (That's why I had to have my little "get-away" ~ God blessem all!)


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