Monday, May 26, 2008

A Simple Woman Monday

This lovely idea originated at Peggy's place, The Simple Woman. Peggy's off on vacation this week, so she's not posting links, but I wanted to do a Monday morning Daybook, anyway. There is a really neat apron give-away going on over there, though, so you might want to go check that out!

Outside my Window... It's overcast and grey. A breeze is blowing the big cedar tree next to the swingset. I think the birds have slept in, as the usual breakfast meeting of blackbirds is not going on in the cottonwood just outside my east window. The boys have left tools on the old weatherbeaten bench in the north yard.

I am thinking... My husband was awfully industrious to get up so early. He's out picking up some provisions and a new bbq grill for the afternoon's Memorial Day festivities.

I am thankful for... Coffee brewing in the kitchen... All my children being under the roof this morning ~ most of the big kids still snoozing after coming in late from a movie last night...

From the kitchen... Jon is the only big-kid morning-bird today. He's in the kitchen right now, puttering around, making a torte for us to have this afternoon. (I'll post that recipe below) We're also having bbq chicken, brats, potato salad, beans, dippy vegges, and whatever else the extended family brings.

I am creating... A cat named Johnny C for a children's book. The author has hired me on to develop the character for her book, as well as for puppets and manipulatives to be used by and for children in cancer treatment. (Is that cool, or what?? Say a prayer for me that I can do a good job?)

I am going... To take a group of kids to see Narnia and Indiana Jones this week. (Went to see Indi with my husband on Saturday night and LOVED it! Passed all kid-friendly tests for us)

I am wearing... Blue jeans, brown sandals, a white tee under a tan tee decorated with swirly things and seed beads, under a tan hoodie. (Chilly here this morning)

I am reading... Actually nothing right now. Been too busy with the children home and working on cat pictures.

I am hoping... Everyone is on the waning side of this summer cold we have ~ and that nobody else gets it. Also, that my son, Paul, has a positive experience at Officer Training School ~ He leaves for there Wednesday night.

I am hearing... Jimmy Neutron in the living room, Jon stirring something in a metal bowl in the kitchen, a strange absence of birdsong outside.

Around the house... Well, every Monday morning, I'm going to have to say laundry is high on my list. I catch it all up on Friday, and the pile is up to my chin on Monday. But, the lovely thing is that I have all those boys' jeans and dirty socks to clean. Do I mind? Not a bit.

One of my favorite things... Jon's dessert creations.

Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Those movies we're going to catch, A big gumbo dinner for Paul on Tuesday night, as a going-away treat, a big grocery shopping trip mid-week, sewing new curtains for my kitchen at the end of the week.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing for you... It's all about movement!

Jon's Napolean Torte


1 lb butter, softened

4 cups flour

2 cups sour cream

Filling #1

3/4 cup granulated sugar

5 tbs flour

1/4 tsp salt

2 cups milk, scalded

4 egg yolks, beaten

1 tsp vanilla

Filling #2

2 (14 oz) cans sweetened condensed milk

6 egg yolks, beaten

2 tsp vanilla

1/2 lb butter, softened


1. To make pastry: Cut butter into flour until crumbly and blend in sour cream.

2. Form dough into 10 balls

3. Cover each with wax paper and refrigerate overnight.

4. Allow dough to stand at room temp for 15 minutes, then roll each ball into a wafer thin circles on a lightly floured board.

5. Prick all over and bake at 350 degrees F. for 7 to 10 minutes. Cool.

6. To make filling #1: Mix together sugar, flour and salt in top of double boiler.

7. Gradually add hot milk, stirring constantly.

8. Cook and stir until mixture thickens.

9. Pour a small amount over egg yolks, mix thorougly, and pour back into hot mixture.

10. Cook for 2 minutes. Cool, then add vanilla.

11. To make filling #2: Pour milk into top of double boiler and cook, stirring frequently, until thickened ~ about 30 minutes.

12. Add vanilla. Cook and stir for 10 minutes.

13. Chill.

14. Beat butter until fluffy, then slowly beat in chilled milk mixture.

15. To assemble Torte: Place one layer of pastry on a platter and spread with either filling.

16. Continue stacking, alternating fillings, until 1 layer of pastry remains.

17. Frost top and sides with remaining filling.

18. Crush remaining pastry layer and cover torte with crumbs.

19. Refrigerate for several hours.

Serves 30 normal people or about 10 teenagers.


  1. That napolean sounds like a fun project. How do you scald milk? And do you think it would be good with strawberries or some other fruit?

  2. Mmmm that torte sounds delicious!
    And what a wonderful project the children's book sounds like!
    I do love the Simple Womans's Daybook. It really makes me feel like I'm right there with you enjoying a coffee and a chat!
    God Bless

  3. My...The weekend caused me to miss A Simple Women Monday. I had a terrible time at work today trying to remember it was Tuesday. At any rate, I'll be there next Monday...

    Was really excited about the book! What a tremendous opportunity for you!!! God Speed!!

    And indeed, just as an at work there were a lot of snotty noses!!! YUK Cathy

  4. Here's to Johnny C . . . I can't wait to see how he turns out. CONGRATULATIONS on getting this job as illustrator!!! When will they deliver the piano??!!


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