Monday, May 12, 2008

Our Mother's Day in Pictures

Got these before Mass...

Went here after Mass...

And ~ Looky who came home from Omaha with the traveling priests for the weekend!
Michelle!Is that a great Mother's Day present, or what? We get her back home for good next weekend, but it was sure a treat to see her! (Note to Aunties: She says she's "growing out" her bangs...)

After doughnuts and Starbucks at Park #1, we loaded up the minivan
and passed here...

And these guys...

To get here...

The world's best playground in beautiful, historic Georgetown, CO.

Check out this playground! This is only a small part of it! It's Gi-normous! It makes me really mad that they didn't have these when I was a kid.
Below:Cathy, our resident monkey, going across the bars for the 49th time.

When everyone was thoroughly exhausted, we headed back down from the mountains, stopping for eggrolls at the supermarket deli for poor man's Chinese. My sons called me from school for a good chat. And I got to play on the computer and didn't have to help clean up the dinner dishes. Definitely all the makings for a wonderful day!

I hope everyone's Sunday was beautiful and blessed!


  1. Wow, looks like you had a great Mother's Day! It was rainy and cool here...

  2. What a wonderful day! Happiest of Mother's Days to you! (I, too, am all for continuing the celebration for as long as I can get away with it!) :)

  3. What a lovley Mothers Day in pictures.
    Your family is so beautiful.


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