Friday, May 30, 2008


Correction: My sincere apologies. Yesterday's feastday was that of St. Mary Magadelene dePazzi! Not St. Mary Magdalene.

I know it just prolongs the agony, making excuses, but I have to explain my brain damage... Here's what happened: Paul left Wednesday night to fly off with all the other Marine Officer's candidates to Quantico, Virginia. His girlfriend, Nicole had come over to visit and see Paul off this week. I drove her back over the mountains yesterday to her home in Western Colorado, leaving early Thursday morning. Coming in late Thursday night, I glanced at the Saint of the Day, because I'd forgotten to look in the morning. I saw "Mary Magdalene" and missed "dePazzi"... I got excited about the feast of Mary Magdalene, remembering I had a recording of the kids' choir singing Maria Magdalena... And I figured, "I'd better hurry if I'm gonna get it in here before the feastday is over!" So, I slapped something together as quickly as I could... And, well, there it is.

My apologies! I'll be careful to look in better light and with less rush to go to print next time.

Thanks to Sr. Genevieve for bringing this to my attention!!


  1. Someday I will find it in my heart to forgive you. ;)

  2. So glad to see that I'm not the only one who manages to "read" only parts of the name...I thought the same thing until I went back later and looked at it again...Not to worry!! Cathy

  3. This happens to me all the time:)
    My brains are mush.
    I have four little excuses for that though. And you have ten!
    I'm just pleased I'm not the only one;)


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