Friday, May 2, 2008

Make that twenty-one years ago...

Our oldest son, Paul, put this video together for us for our twentieth anniversary last year. Didn't he do a good job? The first part is the two of us, my honey and me; the second part is what we started... child by child, oldest to youngest. I just love it, and watch it sometimes just for a cheering up. It puts things in perspective for me, helps me remember what it's really all about.

For those family members who missed it last year, and for those new friends I've made here on the internet... this is a pretty good representation of us, as we've all grown up together.


  1. Lisa, I don't remember how I initially stumbled upon your blog (and it has been a while now) but I'm so glad I did. You and your family are an inspiration, and when I feel like I'm just feeling my way blindly in raising our sons, you give me hope that they will turn out just fine.

    God bless, and your son did a wonderful job with this video.

  2. Fun Lisa! He did do a great job. My favorite photo is you and your dh holding hands with a Colorado farm field road look! Happy Anniversary!!

  3. Hey - they are not my kids and I got a bit choked up watching it. Liked the choice in music too!

    God Bless

  4. Lisa:

    I left a comment for you in mum2twelve.

    And I´m glad I could open "Are you there". Because yesterday I could not from the side bar of, where we have your family blog.


  5. How wonderful!! Congratulations!!!

  6. Oh, my goodness. I loved your son's video! Brought a tear to my eye. You and your husband are indeed blessed! I love all the little kiddo shots. What an adorable family!

  7. That was beautiful and inspiring. Like Bia, I'm so glad I found your blog. I love reading about your children. I must admit, I'm a bit jealous of your singing sons (have enjoyed the videos of them singing together). What a lovely family you are building and what a lovely legacy you are leaving!

  8. Oh, Bia, thank-you, but, you know, I feel that way about your blog! &:o) I treasure your "cyber-friendship"!

    Maryan ~ LOL! You're kidding! I wished Paul hadn't panned on that one so long! There's another pic he concentrated on too long ~ the one in front of a picnic shelter somewhere in Missouri, where Dan and I have matching pregnant tummies! ~gg~ (It's so easy to be too critical of pics of ourselves!)

    Christi ~ &:o) I'm glad you enjoyed it like I do ~ It chokes me up every time. And I love the music, too! The first song ("Far Away") had particular significance to us last year, when my husband had been gone five out of seven days a week (for two years!)... The second song ("Closing Time") has a different and special meaning when you think about "home" meaning Heaven!

    Juan ~ Got your message! You're right! We have close to the same idea in our "logos"! &:o) I loved that You Tube video, too, btw! Did you see that it's in my sidebar with a tip of the hat to you?

    Joann and Mary Rose~ Thank-you so much! You're both so nice!

    Wendy ~ Thank-you, too! I'm glad you like the videos of the boys' singing. I 'm so proud and amazed that they can do what they do! It's all God. Truly. I'm hoping to get some more music from them all when we go get them in a couple of weeks. We'll see what they can pull out of their hats for us. &:o)

    Mary Rose

  9. This is so wonderful!
    What beautiful memories you have to look back on.
    You have such a lovely family:)
    God Bless, your son did a great job!

  10. Happy Anniversary, Lisa and hubby! I am like a couple of others who stumbled onto your blog from somewhere else and not sure from where. As they are, I am encouraged and (frankly) challenged by your family life and how your faith encompasses it. My husband and I will celebrate 25 years next week, and I know our two eldest (we have 6) are planning a video type show, too. Cannot wait! May God continue to bless you and yours. Oh, just a note, my husband owns his own business (franchise) actually and their convention is in Denver in July. I am looking forward to seeing the Rockies!


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