Tuesday, April 1, 2008

For April Fools' Day

Some Optical Illusions to Fool the Eye:

Some Norman Rockwell Silliness ~
See What You Can Spy:

Some Topsy Turvies with which to Play:

Fun to look at, but more fun to try to make. There is no upside down on these; there's a different face either way you look at them. We'll spend some time today trying to draw our own.

Some Palindromes to Say Both Ways:

(Gotta love Weird Al...)

Sort of verbal Topsy Turveys, palindromes! Ones we found with our names in them:

Gabes on a nosebag.

O, Lisa sees a silo.

Anna: "Did Otto peep?" Otto: "Did Anna?"

Poor Dan is in a droop.

Yo, banana boy!

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