Thursday, April 10, 2008

Another Version, Ladies...

...of the Billie Holiday standard in my sidebar.

I love Billie, but Harry... Oh, Harry ~ what can you say?

Pleasant on the eyes and ears, isn't he?


Celebrity Crushes

Does your husband feel threatened by your famous people preferences? Does it come up? We didn't actually even discuss whether this was an issue for us or not until we'd been married twenty years!

So I guess it wasn't an issue. He knows I'm wild about Harry. I know he likes... Who is it? Angelina Jolie? Or that girl that sings Bubbly? Oh, good grief. I don't even remember!

Can you tell celebrity "crushes" don't worry either of us? Maybe we're just too old, or maybe we're just sure of one another. He breathes in, I breathe out. That tingle of jealousy that might have come with youth or insecurity has been replaced with a sweet, comfortable knowlege.

I'm glad of it. The fire is settled contentedly on the hearth, bright and steady but livened up with an occasional, unexpected pop and sizzle. You gotta love that.

If Harry came knocking at my door, and somehow could overlook the children at my feet, the grey at my temples and the rings under my eyes... I say, if Harry came to my door, and was even half the air-brushed, suave, leading man he appears in his videos, and twinkled his eyes and dimpled that grin at me...

I'd offer him a cup of coffee and ask him about his children, find out if he was still a practicing Catholic, and I'd call my husband to tell him to come home quick ~ "You'll never guess who's at our house!"


  1. I have teased my husband that Mandy Patinkin could sweep me off my feet but he would have to sit and sing to me all day long (English or Yiddish, I don't care) which I doubt even his amazing pipes could handle so there was really no reason for him to worry! Now Mandy isn't exactly as easy on the eyes as Harry but...oh...the ears!!!

  2. Matilda ~ You mean Inigo Montoya? I have always Loved Mandy Patinkin as an actor, but was not familiar with him at all as a singer! Until now! Thank-you. &:o) Just checked that out. What a multi-talented guy! And, I think he is actually pretty good-looking, too.

  3. I'm with you on Harry, Lisa. Dh and I saw him in concert at Wolf Trap about 15(!) years ago, and the women in the audience were swooning. :)

  4. Yes, Inigo Montoya! He debuted on Broadway as Che in Evita and won a Tony for it. He was nominated for Sunday in the Park with George (which is one of my favorites!) and is probably best known for his portrayal of Archibald Craven in The Secret Garden (my kids adore that soundtrack and so do I). You can actually get a filmed stage production of Sunday in the Park with George from Netflix but not all of the subject matter is suitable for children. FYI!

    I think he is cute, but not what most people consider "pretty" like Harry. Have you ever heard of Michael Buble? Very easy on the ears too!

  5. Oh, Yeah, Matilda! I love Michael Buble! Anyone who resurrects the oldies is OK with me. &:o) He has nice looks, too. Very much the guy next door. (I just spent a few minutes with him on You-tube, as you jogged a hankering to hear him. I found a fun clip of "Save the Last Dance for Me," and sent it to my son and his girlfriend who are taking dance lessons together. Isn't the internet a wonderful thing?)

  6. I've only been married 2 years, and my husband and I love joking about "celebrity preferences."

    Although my husband thinks I am very odd is that I think Gene Wilder in his younger years was to die for. But I digress.

    I don't like 'em pretty. So I think Mandy Patinkin is about as easy on the eyes as they come.

  7. I really like Michael Buble. He has a wonderful singing voice :-)

  8. Wendy ~ I think Harry hit my radar about 15 years ago. My, how time flies! I bet that was a great concert!

    Harper ~ I know where you're coming from with Gene Wilder, actually... There is something strangely appealing about him (Oh, how I love Young Frankenstein!)...

    Kaila ~ My sons' girlfriends actually brought Michael Buble to my attention. I love that he crosses generations! Like Harry Connick, Jr, he's in that classy, ageless Frank Sinatra mold, ya know?

  9. Girls, girls, what happened to Paul Newman, Robert Redford and yes! Mark Harmon??? I really hate to miss NCIS! Tom Selleck's not bad either! And no Ron doesn't mind...He's the one who named a pillow Ilke Sommers. You know this is a two way street. This was Fun, Lisa!!! Thanks! Cathy

  10. My celeb crushes do bother Brad, even though I make it pretty clear that it's all in silliness.


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