Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tidying Up Before Easter

A Housecleaning Retreat

This is what I'm going to do:

* Start off by saying the Prayer to St. Anne, Patroness of Homemakers

Dear Saint Anne, we know so little about you except for your name. But you gave us the Mother of God who called herself the handmaiden of the Lord. In your home you raised the Queen of Heaven and are rightly the model of homemakers. In your womb came to dwell the new Eve, uniquely conceived without sin. Intercede for us the we too may remain free from sin and from the temptations of sin.

Guide and help us in our daily tasks. Help us to find satisfaction and gain grace in our vocations as homemakers.

* Then, I'm going to put on my apron, roll up my sleeves and have at the list, praying before I begin each project and trying my best to meditate while I work.

Here's my list:

Deep Clean the Kitchen

* Get down on my knees, really clean the floor; scrub the baseboards under the cabinets.

Dear Lord, when you knelt to wash the feet of your disciples, you taught us that much of humility is learning joy in service to others ~ and so serving You. Help me to remember that even the lowliest task I do for my family, if done out of love, is a task done for You.

* Clean the refrigerator, inside and out; likewise the pantry and cupboards.

Help me to be grateful, Lord, for the blessings I take for granted, the roof over over our heads, the food on our table, the bounty of the country we live in. Please help me always to remember those who are less fortunate ~ in my prayers, but also by any practical works of charity I can do for them.

* Clean the oven and stovetop.

The debris that collects in this oven over time is like the debris left in my soul from sin. Help me, Divine Paraclete, to be faithful about the Sacrament of Confession. Help me to be diligent every evening about my examination of conscience and sincere Act of Contrition.

Clean the Living Room and Dining Room

* Dust all the wooden surfaces; use oil soap to really scrub the dining room table and chairs.

At the Last Supper, Dear Lord, You gathered your twelve disciples around You at a dinner table where you offered the first Mass, an example and a foreshadowing of the most important event of human history, your sacrifice and death on Calvary. Whenever I prepare and serve a meal at our family table, help me to remember, Lord, that Holy Thursday. Help me to unite the sacrifices I have to make in my daily life with your Great Sacrifice.

* Sweep, mop, vacuum.

Dear Mother of Jesus' home in Nazareth, I offer the mundane chores of my day to you toward the needs you see most fit. Please use my poor prayers to sweep away someone's pain, to wash away apathy in some hardened heart, to clean away hatred or despair from some suffering soul.

Deep Clean the Bathrooms

* Scrub, scour, disinfect.

To the dear Immaculate Heart of Mary I offer this unpleasant but necessary task for an increase in the love of purity in our world. Please, most especially, save the innocence of our young.

Clean the Bedrooms

* Pick up all the toys, dirty clothes, flotsam and jetsam from the children's rooms.

Help me, St. Anne, Grandmother of Jesus, to show my children the patience I want Our Heavenly Father to show me for my own faults of carelessness, laziness, and lack of consideration. Help me to be instructed as I instruct my children.

* Organize and declutter the master bedroom.

Dear Lord, who taught us at the Wedding at Cana how You value the married state, help me to keep uppermost in my mind the true meaning of my marriage vows. Teach me how to best help my spouse reach your side, where together we can lead our family.


* Wash all sheets, blankets, etc. Get entirely caught up. Iron what is needed to be ironed.

I offer up to You, Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament, this service to my home and family, remembering the linens in which You were wrapped at your death. Help me to remember that last service the Holy Women helped your Mother perform and to offer all my duties as if You were here sharing their fruits with my family.

Tidy up Outside

* Park all the bikes, pick up trash, rake, arrange the lawn furniture neatly.

Dear St. Joseph, model of responsibility, show me how to be truly grateful for my husband's sacrifice and hard work for our family. Help me never to take for granted this home that he has provided, and for the many things he makes possible for us. I beg you to intercede for graces on my husband's behalf, that he always be blessed with your strength, perserverance and wisdom.

** My Friend, Diane, and her mom mark their rubber gloves with "JMJ" or with the names of saints to help keep them focused during their cleaning duties. Isn't that a great idea?

**Make sure to visit Under Her Starry Mantle for Tuesdays with Saint Anne


  1. Hi! This is my first visit to your blog. I love love this list. I'm going to print it out and keep it around - I have such a hard time motivating myself to clean - and offering it up. This list is such an aid to that.

    Also - thank you so much for the scratcher advice. I tried the socks and I think that is so much more effective so far than anything else I've tried. - He sort of likes the socks at the moment - and thinks it's funny that they are on his hands. But at least he can't scratch me with the socks on so that is a big help.

  2. wow- this is a much more productive strategy than mine where I curse myself for hours about how messy I've let things become. Your way is much better.

  3. The temps here have been SO hot here (100-115 degrees) that I have been racing to clean the house before Easter...It's nearly finished thank goodness we had a cool change.

    Wishing you a Holy & Sacred Easter Lisa:)

    Peace & blessings to you:)

    Marie xoxoxo

  4. I have tried so many times to be a good housekeeper and find instead of being efficient and doing one room at at time I end up running from room to room doing it in bits and pieces. Thanks for the insight and prayers!!! God Love You!!! Cathy

  5. We're spring cleaning over here, too, and I don't really mind it(I know, I'm weird that way). I cleaned our pantry this past weekend, and I often find myself standing there admiring it.

    Who needs the Louvre when you have an organized pantry?! (okay. I'm kidding here.)

    Buona Pasqua!


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