Monday, March 17, 2008

Not an Irish Tune, But in the General Vicinity, Anyway

Sons Kevin, Jon, and Dominic, with buddy Tim, singing Loch Lomond.

The boys humored me by singing "just one more" before I left for home at my last visit. Tim didn't know that the boys had agreed while he was out of the room to skip the two middle verses ~ that's why there's a little "low spot" in the middle there, where he's trying to figure out what happened. And Kevvy had a cold, too, but I think it still turned out pretty well.


  1. Holy Blarney Stone...these boys are fantastic!!! I love it!

  2. It's 6:30 in the morning here, and I just finished listening to your boys singing. Made me teary, but it was a beautiful start to my day. God bless.

  3. Hehe poor Tim! They all look so nervous. I love listening to them sing, they are awesome.

  4. One's never too late to hear the voices of the gifted!!! They have real treasures in their voices! Perhaps next year we could hear "Danny Boy" or "My Wild Irish Rose." Thank you so much!! Cathy

  5. LoL, Laura ~ Thanks!
    Bia ~ I love to turn them on just when I'm feeling low sometimes ~ of course that makes me miss them, but it makes me happy, too. I'm glad you enjoyed it. &*:o)

    Marie ~ I know, it was a dirty trick on Tim (though they didn't intend it.) And I did put them on the spot. I think they prefer the anonymity of the choir loft! Or at least would prefer not to have a camera pointed at them...

    Thanks, Cathy! I was wishing when I posted this that I'd gotten Oh, Danny Boy for St. Patrick's Day! I'll make sure I have a better list to choose from! Should be getting some good music from Easter, as my husband's going to go for the Sacred Triduum where they are in Omaha.

  6. Are those your boys? Geeshhh!!! I thought they were lip singing to a CD at first! Awesome talent! They need to make CDs! God Bless!


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