Friday, March 7, 2008

Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas

Grant me, I beseech Thee, most merciful God,
Prudently to study,
Rightly to understand,
And perfectly to fulfill
That which is pleasing to Thee
For the praise and glory of Thy Name.


  1. You have this lovely prayer on your post and I have a...never mind. I am inspired by your spirituality.

  2. My bother Tom is named after St. Thomas...My Tom's birthday was March 4th...I think my mom planned that, don't you? If you would visit my "home", you would find a well deserved gift there! Cathy

  3. LOL! Laura, I got such a major giggle out of your Brady Bunchy haiku! Your getting my day off to such a good start (especially when my two year old had been up all night the night before with some mystery ailment and then was up and raring to go at 6!!) was a corporal work of mercy and deserving of much merit in Heaven. Most definitely!

    Cathy ~ I bet your Mom planned it! Or Somebody did! &:o) Thank-you, thank-you for the sweet gift!


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