Monday, March 31, 2008

The Feast of the Annunciation

The boys (Jon, Tim, Dominic, and Kevin) singing The Magnificat

(You can find the translation of The Magnificat, the words of Our Lady to St. Elizabeth at the Visitation here).

(The beautiful statues and stained glass are in Mary Immaculate Queen Church, Omaha, NE.)


  1. Great picture...happy Feast Day to you & thanks for dropping by!

  2. Your sons voices are incredibly beautful. What gifts to you and your family to praise and honor God and his Mother so well.

  3. I don't visit you often enough. How I envy you having all your boys home. Jason was able to get home for Easter but Ryan is still in Afghanistan and Adam is somewhere out in the ocean. All we know of his whereabouts is that it is warm. Ian popped in for cake after supper because he had to work. But maybe it's just as well since we were all still recovering from being sick. I do thank you for your comments. It is nice to know that there is a friend out there who has boys and understands.

  4. Oh, my goodness, I was absolutely transported. What a gift!

    (When you were recently concerned about your name getting out there inadvertently, I didn't know it was because it was Von Trapp!!!)



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