Monday, February 25, 2008

The Wide Wide World of (Prairie) Sports

Our Town, USA

Ordinary old kites just don't cut it here...

Welcome to Tarp Sailing, Eastern Colorado Style!

Number of participants: Two small children at "kittycorners" ~ up to four all the way around

Equipment: One large tarp, one windy day

Goal: To feel as airborn as possible


  • Style points for getting entire tarp flat and airborn, without anyone dropping a corner

  • Squeals for being dragged down the driveway

  • Whoops and Hollars for being lifted, even momentarily, off your feet

  • Big smiles and pink cheeks from a rousing afternoon of exercise


  1. Can my boys come play over at your house? They would totally have a blast with the tarp/kite!

    God bless.

  2. This looks like so much fun. Can I come play?? Oh yes, and bring my kids?


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