Friday, February 8, 2008

Saint Meme

1.First Saints you "met"? St. Bernadette, Our Lady of Perpetual Help

2. Favorite Saint(s)? Oh, my, is there space here? The first that come to mind are St. Philomena, St. John Bosco, St. Joseph, St Therese of Lisieux.

3. Patron saint for the year? Well, embarassingly, I signed up for one and immediately lost the link...
4. Favorite book by a saint? Story of a Soul
5. Saint book you are reading now? Recently finished St. Martin dePorres Apostle of Charity by Giuliana Cavallini
6. Favorite movie of a saint? Song of Bernadette
7. Favorite Autobiography/Biography of a saint? A Man Born Again: St. Thomas More by John Beahn (Wonderfully written, novel-style biography of a great saint!)
8. Favorite novel/book of a saint? The Quiet Light: A Novel About St. Thomas Aquinas by Louis deWohl

9. Saint (besides your favorites) you'd want to meet? Bl. Margaret of Castello, St. Therese's mother, Zelie Martin, whom I believe to be a saint.

10. Saint(s) you look to for help? The Blessed Mother hears from me an awful lot. St. Anthony is always much in need around here for finding lost objects. Others who are probably sick of hearing from me are: St. Joseph (for my husband), St. Therese, St. Philomena, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary (for myself), St. John Bosco (for advice on boys) and St. Angela de Merici (for the girls), St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (for help selling our houses and other financial issues), St. Martin dePorres (for health problems), St. Rita and St. Jude (to jump on the bandwagon of any of the above issues...)
11.Favorite saint quote(s)? From St. Therese: Our Lord needs from us neither great deeds nor profound thoughts. Neither intelligence nor talents. He cherishes simplicity. From St. Thomas Aquinas: Charity is the form, mover, mother and root of all the virtues. From St. Mary Mazzarello: Laugh and play and dash about as much as you like, only be careful not to say or do anything that would be displeasing to God.

12. Favorite Holy Card? I have some of St. Therese the Little Flower as a child that I love. We're also getting set to make some from some copies of photographs of St. John Bosco that we found recently on the internet.

13. Favorite story of a saint? We love the stories of St. John Bosco and Bl. Miguel Pro.

14. If you could go anywhere on a pilgrimage to a saint's homeland, where would it be? France for St. Bernadette, St. Therese, and many others. Italy for St. John Bosco, St. Francis of Asissi and many others.

15. Any Blesseds or Venerables that you would like to become canonized? Blessed Miguel Pro and Bl. Margaret of Costello are high on our list!

I found this meme at Kaila's place, Ego me bene habeo ! Thanks, Kaila!

I tag: Cathy at A Bit of the Blarney, SuzyQ at Searching by Candlelight and Sailing by Starlight, Eileen at Eileen on Him, Ann at A.R.T. Servant, and Maryan at A Lee in the Woudes.


  1. Lisa, I really like the way you replied to this Meme. Nice job.

  2. Thanks for the tag, Lisa! I also enjoyed what you did with this--I always love looking at pictures of St. Therese, especially, what a sweet face. Not only would she be nice to meet "in person," but I bet she'd actually put up with me! :)

    It may be a few days before I get to this--I'll let you know!

  3. Lisa, how about Blessed Mary of Agreda? (I'm afraid I spelt that wrong!)



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