Friday, February 22, 2008

Guess What I Get To Do Tomorrow!?

A dear old friend (Let me clarify ~ she's dear, but not old) and I are going to hook up tomorrow to go see Danielle Bean who is speaking in the Denver area! I'm so excited! I'm so looking forward to this day devoted to matters near and dear to my heart ~ motherhood, home and family. And, as a special added bonus, I get the chance, as well, to catch up with Holly!

But, here's a really important question ...

What do I wear??


  1. Good morning!

    I would err on the side of slightly more dressy than too you have a comfortable dark skirt with a nice blouse/top? Especially because you will be meeting new people and because you *will* be out of the house you get to dress up a bit! Lucky! Well, Blessed at least!

    I know you are so excited to be going...sigh...I wish I were going, too.

    Prayers with you,

  2. Ha! A woman after my own heart.... I'd be wondering the same thing.


    Enjoy your day!

  3. Lisa, sounds like it's going to be a fantastic day...I need a day of reflection, too!

    I'm an animator in a 4th year Familia group here in our area, and it has been such a blessing in my life. I can't wait to hear highlights of Danielle Bean's talk.

    God bless, and have a wonderful time.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful time!!
    It sounds great- I would love to hear Danielle Bean!

  5. I love your blog! I always check it! You are such an inspiration and I really love that we have kept up our friendship over the miles



    If you go to this link you will see that a certain Catholic teacher (who shall remain nameless) has nominated your blog for Catholic Blog Award.

  7. Thanks, everyone! It was a great day!! Terrie ~ You are sooo sweet! &:o)

    Laura ~ Like, WOW!! How do I measure up to such an honor? Thank-you so much! Now the question is, do I shamelessly advertise for votes??? Or leave it to the unsolicited will of the people? ~gg~


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