Friday, February 1, 2008

Art Quiz

Typical phrase of a morning around here: Eat your cereal, kids: I'm going to go see what Simcha is up to.

I love to check in on what's going on over at I Have To Sit Down. Simcha, a good Catholic Mom of great insight and humor, always has something fun to share. The other day she presented us with a lesson in art. And, while her class was a good time as always, I had to disagree with her on the conclusion of her thesis.

I told her I'd respond. So here it is folks. I'm in the classroom across the hall from Simcha.
But, before I take the podium, I'd like to administer a quick quiz. A quiz with a twist.The twist is that you don't take it ~ you ask a child (any child you have handy at the moment) to take it for you.

All you have to do is ask your child which of the following pairs of paintings he or she likes better. There's no right or wrong answer, and they shouldn't try to figure out which one you want them to say. See which ones you like, as well, and see if you can figure out why you like them.
I'll get back with you tomorrow to explain and share my thoughts on this subject. I'll be curious to see if you come to the same conclusions from this quiz as I did.

* How many of the artists do you recognize? Bozo button to anyone who can get all of the artists without looking them up!

Which Do You Like Better?

Choose between:

1. These two paintings of solemn young girls...
2. These two pictures of nothing in particular...

3. These two paintings of bridges...



4. These two cityscapes...

A. B.


5. These two self portraits...


6. These two paintings of young couples...


7. These paintings of people whose hands help show emotion





  1. This is interesting. My 9 year old daughter gave these answers.
    1B, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7B, 8A, 9B 10A, 11B, 12B.
    I couldn't give you all the artists names without looking them up though!

  2. BTW) You've been awarded over @ sailingbystarlight!
    Have a great weekend:0)


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